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talking-elvis podcast

Im new to this 

May 26, 2020

Just regular Fans talking about the Movie songs in ELVIS movies . 

What should win and why

Another classic TOP 5 from Vince & Ian

May 19, 2020

A lighthearted look at the 60's Elvis movies with our "Top 5 " plus a what if look at the film star he might have been

Whats your fave?

May 12, 2020

A fun interview with an Australian Singer who is not only an Elvis Fan- She is the King ! Jacqueline Feilich Honours the memory of Elvis "Her Way"

 Get the news views from the Elvis world down under

May 5, 2020

Following the success  our other "Top 5 " shows (co stars)so now we take a look at the child actors in an Elvis movie.

Having a bit of fun with a review of the kids and animals  A must hear!

Who wins will it be ?

And as a bonus we have done the Top 5 ANIMAL co stars too

Yes we really did -